Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I would like everyone to meet John David's imaginary friend. His name is John David Martin. He is a horrible influence on my John David. I had to ask him to leave today because he was acting so bad. John David Bond wants John David Martin to stay the night for a sleep over and I'm just not sure that's the best idea. John David Bond told me that John David Martin stays up at night and steals money! Umm...No thank you! He cannot stay here! My John David is always having to "spank" John David Martin for acting bad. I told him that John David Martin isn't allowed back over unless he learns to behave. The other day I turned to say something to John David Martin because I wanted to play too and John David said, "Mom, you can't see him he's invisible." Uhhhh ok!!! I'm not sure what to think about this invisible friend. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I think it looks good :) I'm glad you started it! Love you!
