Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And God said let there be light...

Most of you all know that I started working again. I am now a proud waitress at Larry's BBQ in Daleville. There aren't many places to eat in Daleville and its close to Alan's work so my family has become regulars there. When I saw they were hiring I jumped at the opportunity. I was really nervous about working because honestly I haven't worked in almost 5 years. I got to thinking of how this could be a great missions opportunity for me. I prayed that the Lord would place believers and nonbelievers in my path. And boy did God ever hear the part about placing the lost in my path. Last night was my first night, and all the girls were so sweet to me. They really helped me and made me feel welcomed. I could tell by the way they were talking that they didn't have the joy of Christ in their lives. I was talking with my sister-in-law after work, who is serving overseas right now, and I told her that I kind of felt like she did. Its hard being the only believer in a dark place. I pray my new friends at work can see there is something different about me. That everything I say and do will be pleasing to His eyes. I pray that the Lord will provide times for me to share my testimony and be a LIGHT not a dim light, but like a brand new bulb that lights up the whole room. Please pray for me too. Thank you Lord for your love and mercy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And the list goes on...

Today has just been one of those days. The kids are really on it, so instead of being frustrated with them I've decided to list some of the things I love about them.
John David--has one of the sweetest most tender hearts. I have never met another four year old love Jesus as much as he does. Everyday he asks me to tell him the story about Jesus and how he died on the cross for us. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if he decided to be a preacher he grows up, but like my mama says, "You don't tell him that, you let God tell him." We can be riding down the road and I'll have the radio on a secular station and he'll say, "Mommy, I want to listen to a Jesus song." Thank you Lord for using my four year old to hold me accountable. He loves Spiderman, Ironman, Thomas the Train and currently obsessed with the movie The Incredibles.
Allie--she has to be the silliest two year old on the planet. She is so funny! She can make me laugh even when I don't feel like it. I call her my mini-me. She has the most beautiful brown eyes and has a stare that could cut glass! I know she's only two, but you seriously don't want to get on her bad side. The girl loves to dance and wears her sunglasses all the time, even when we're inside somewhere. That's just how she rolls. She loves to copy her older brother, baby dolls and The Backyardigans.
Lorali--that little six month old angel has really tested her mama's patience, but we are so incredibly blessed to have her as our daughter. Most of you know we had a rocky start with her. I had to deliver at 35 weeks due to complications and for a while I thought she wasn't going to make it, but our God is merciful and an all powerful healer and healed her precious body. When we finally got home with her she had horrible colic the first five months and cried nonstop! I didn't think it was possible for a baby to cry so much. She is doing much better. She has a smile that lights up a room. I look at her and my heart melts. I can't imagine my life without her.
I am so blessed to have my three precious babies! I am thankful that the Lord trusted me enough to give me children to raise and teach them about Him.