Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Its a cool day for a school day.

Wow, what a day! Words cannot express how sick and emotional I have been over the past couple of weeks every time I thought about John David starting kindergarten. I wasn't nervous about him making friends, or him being a behavioral problem. He's an awesome kid and makes friends so easily. I've been upset about having to go most my day without him. He's never gone to "school" for more than half a day, so this is going to be an adjustment for all of us. I'm going to miss him most during the afternoon when the girls take a nap because that was our alone time together. We usually curl up on the couch (hes a snugglebug) and watch cartoons or play games. I cried most of the morning before taking him to school. I made him cinnamon rolls for breakfast and tried to keep my bearings. I tried to pull myself together, but couldn't seem to hold it all inside. We looked like tourist walking in with cameras around our neck and checking everything out. I couldn't get the video camera to work, but it somehow managed to record mine and Alan's argument over how I was behaving. His principal was standing outside wearing a super silly hat and welcoming everyone. I thought that was so sweet and special. It made us all giggle and forget for a second what was about to happen. We walked in his room where his precious teacher greeted us. John David remembered what locker was his from open house last week and walked right up to it and put his book bag up. He found his seat and started coloring. I said ok babe we have to go and he replied with, "ok mama, don't forget to come back and get me." I'm not sure if he was trying to make me cry at this point! We said our goodbyes and left. When I got home my body felt so exhausted. All the stress and fears that had been leading up to the first day were gone and I felt such relief and could've slept all day. He had a good day and I enjoyed listening to him tell me about it. We treated him to a steak dinner for being such a champ.

Of course I want to see him academically excel, but more importantly my wish for him this first year of school is for him to learn the differences between people. I've always taught him that God made everyone different and special in their own way and this will be the first year he sees that first hand. We've been around the same group of people most of his life and I'm excited for him to learn diversity. I want him to be a friend to everybody, but especially to the kids who really need a friend. John David has a special spirit to him. I pray he uses his kindness to reach out to kids who need to be loved and even now at his young age that he'll share the good news of the Gospel. I know this is going to be a great year for him. I look forward to him maturing and learning.

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