Thursday, June 30, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things....

As we were packing for our move I came across several items that brought back such sweet and special memories throughout my life. I just wanted to share a few of them.

This was mine and Alan's cake topper at our wedding. It reminds me how blessed I am to be married to the man of my dreams.

This was my great grandmother's. Thankful for my family's heritage and knowing where I came from.

I carried these down the ailse at one of my bestest friends wedding a few years ago. They are so beautiful (just like she is.)

I'm not sure who gave this to me, but it's been in my room since I was a little girl. Every time I look at it, it reminds me of my childhood.

I painted this fish when I was pregnant with John David with one of my best friends in the whole world, Marina. It makes me think of her every time I look it.

I painted this when I was 13 on a family vacation to Arizona. One of my favorite memories with my family.

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