Monday, June 20, 2011

Welcome back, Kotter.

Wow, I created this blog almost a year ago in hopes to share some of my crazy, busy life as a wife, a mom of three, a student and part time waitress. I guess it all consumed me more than I thought, so I'm going to try this again. I'm not going to recap the past 10 months though.

We've had a pretty exciting summer so far. We took a trip to the beach for Mother's day weekend. The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful time. The last week of May we went to visit my Pop and Diane in Maggie Valley, N.C. for a couple days before heading over to Hickory, N.C. for Alan's younger brothers wedding. And then this past weekend we went to Alan's dads house in Hahira, Ga. to spend Father's Day with him. We spent all day Saturday at Wild Adventures in Valdosta. The water park was so nice in this miserable heat.

We have some pretty exciting things coming up too. We sold our house in Montgomery a couple months ago and have been on the house hunt ever since. We found several houses that we liked, but kept running into problems. Finally, we found a house that we love and hope to close on it in a couple weeks. Also, John David starts kindergarten in the fall. This mama has anxiety about it almost every day! I cannot believe my baby is starting school.

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